Monday, September 20, 2010

Brain Teaser!

There are two people playing a game - a close match, indeed. As the game goes down to the wire, one player gives up his queen. Not long after, the game is declared over, and the player without a queen is championed the winner. However, he did not achieve a checkmate, and his opponent did not resign or lose on time. How is this possible?



They are not playing chess at all!
The two people are enjoying a classic game of "Old Maid".


Anonymous said...

could've been declared / assessed / adjudicated a win by a TD if the opp. had insufficient material to win / draw - & that the TD could prove that the opp was not trying to draw / win by normal means (the opp might've played for a stalemate trick with little time on clock, or tried to out-blitz the other who did have a bit of time on the clock).

Hazel Smith said...

Haha, I didn't think it through in that much detail :) I often forget all the TD rules because I haven't played formal chess in awhile. Will consider playing again sometime...I miss tournaments and all their possibilities!