Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Wacky Wednesday - Brain Teaser!

As mentioned before, I have switched the Tuesday and Wednesday topics for this week.

This one's kind of silly, but here it goes...

Monkeyopolis has a population of 12,345 monkeys. To regulate such a large group, Monkeyopolis' head monkey, Guyrilla, has made a new rule regarding 'monkey do chess' ( If a game is won, the losing monkey must give two bananas to the winning monkey. If a game is drawn, the monkeys must exchange one banana each in good faith. Fred Isachimp decides to play in a 'monkey do' tournament. He comes in with fifteen bananas. After all five games, his score is 3.0/5.0. Exactly two of his games were drawn. Assuming no bananas are consumed, created, destroyed, or given away outside of what is required by the new rule, how many bananas does Fred walk home with?

Answer below

If you said seventeen, good try, but Fred got a 1 point bye in his first game. He took home fifteen bananas. Since tournaments don't award byes to the same person (or monkey) twice, "fifteen or seventeen" is the most logical answer. That is, assuming Fred was in the pairing system every round, with no 1/2 point byes or withdrawn games.

Okay that one wasn't a very fair trick, so I'll have more brain teasers from Monkeyopolis some other time...

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Twisted Tuesday - Artsy Stuff/Funny Pics

Hey Everyone!

Chess art is a Wacky Wednesday topic, but it's raining out here in T.O. (again) and photos always cheer me up :) I decided to switch the Tuesday & Wednesday topics for this week, so that I could share these with you today.

PART I: Chess art...or at least my attempts at it...

1. My first attempt at graphic design using CorelDRAW. It's a lot harder than it looks!

2. What can I say? Chess is cool!

3. Chess cat teaching birds how to play. You may question the irony of it, or how good a coach the cat could be if it holds the pencil the wrong way around, but hey, it was past midnight when I drew this!

PART II: Summer baking

I went on my usual baking craze this year. These are just a few of my creations...

1. A brownie that's too cute to eat.

2. A cupcake that's too cute to eat.

3. More cupcakes that are too cute to eat, and happen to look like checks.

4. Fudge that is NOT too cute to eat. Alright, guys, now you can dig in!

PART III: Bits and pieces from the CITL Festival

1. An "Activities" sign unintentionally made the perfect spot for kids to test out pens (notice the pen marks).

2. Mickey Mouse made his appearance on this sign.

3. This sign didn't actually get used but I think it's quite retro :)

4. Someone submitted this cute answer without a name. I love how kids write "pawn" as "pond". Chess kids are awesome.

5. The CITL t-shirt design, by Lennart, is stunning. I think I'll use it again to promote CITL in WLU's chess club. FM Hans Jung mentioned the nearby Waterloo Library as a potential opportunity if we get enough volunteers.

PART IV: A gift for mom's birthday

1. This is not chess-related, but I spent three days making it! Anything that takes three days of my time deserves a place on my blog!

2. Mom's reaction to finding out I spent three days hiding out with a latch hook.

3. Caught with nowhere to turn.

PART V: Random

1. Garfield is great...just thought I'd mention that.

Monday, June 27, 2011

Marvelous Monday - Joke!

Why do chess players despise the recent postal strike?
Answer: They can't send their "checks" in the mail.


Sunday, June 26, 2011

CITL Festival + Quizzes

The Chess in the Library Festival yesterday was awesome! We have an amazing, new executive team, and a great year to come. Everyone should pitch into this program - we're hoping to build a nationwide movement for the benefit of kids, families, and chess fans everywhere!


I had the honour of hosting the CITL activities. We had a puzzle contest, a CITL quiz, and a fun chess quiz. The puzzles were derived from (some were slightly modified, since we had five levels of difficulty). I will be posting the quiz questions here. Answers will be posted in a few days.

Thanks so much to Lennart, Stefan, and other volunteers who helped set up the puzzles/quizzes + assist the kids. Thanks to WIM Yuanling and CITL sponsors for providing twelve chess book prizes. With your help, the events were very successful.

Thanks also to GM Mark Bluvshtein for making a stellar speech on behalf of volunteers...including a joke about broccoli :) Eat broccoli and play chess!!! Mark's blog:

Congrats North York Central Library for taking home the big trophy! Both the library and the trophy are beautiful - a good match!

Now for the quizzes:


1. What colour is CITL's logo?
2. How many library branches does CITL currently operate in?
3. Who is President of CITL?
4. Name three branches and leaders of those branches.
5. Name three provinces CITL operates in.
6. What year did CITL start operating and what was its first branch?
7. What library branch won last year's festival?
8. Find the names of five CITL participants + something cool about them!
9. In what town did CITL most recently open?
10. What's one thing you like about CITL?

Top score at the festival: 10/10
Second highest: 8/10

Fun Chess Quiz

1. When was chess invented?

a) Millions of years ago
b) Thousands of years ago
c) Hundreds of years ago
d) Yesterday

2. In May 2011, who was the top ranked chess player in the world (FIDE rating 2817)?

a) GM Garry Kasparov
b) GM Magnus Carlsen
c) GM Viswanathan Anand
d) GM Hikaru Nakamura

3. One of the following is not a true chess variant. Which is it?

a) Hedgehog Chess
b) Bomb Chess
c) Bug Eyed Monster Chess
d) Chicken Chess

4. “Scacchi” means chess in what language?

a) Greek
b) Spanish
c) Italian
d) Chicken Language

5. The longest game of chess ever played lasted how many moves?

a) Between 100 and 150 moves
b) Between 150 and 200 moves
c) Between 200 and 250 moves
d) More than 250 moves

6. What does ECO stand for?

a) Educational Chess Organization
b) Encyclopedia of Chess Openings
c) Early Childhood Opportunities
d) Easy Candle Oils

7. What is a “pig” in chess?

a) A player that eats too much before a game
b) An isolated pawn deep in the opponent’s territory
c) A move that wins a lot of material
d) A rook on the 7th rank

8. Who said “chess is life”?

a) GM Bobby Fischer
b) GM Anatoly Karpov
c) GM Mark Bluvshtein
d) GM Alexander Alekhine

9. What did the USSR (around Russia) ban in 1930?

a) Simultaneous Chess
b) Correspondence Chess
c) Blind Chess
d) All Chess

10. Which chess piece was once called an “asp”?

a) Pawn
b) Knight
c) Rook
d) King

11. Which country was the first to issue a stamp with a chess theme?

a) Poland
b) Armenia
c) United States
d) Bulgaria

12. How many possible positions exist after white and black make their first move?

a) 200
b) 300
c) 400
d) 500

13. The first game between astronauts in space and people on earth ended in a:

a) win for the astronauts
b) win for people on earth
c) draw
d) crash

14. GM Judit Polgar’s husband held what type of job?

a) magician
b) construction worker
c) veterinarian
d) plumber

15. GM Alexander Alekhine found what kind of animal to be good luck?

a) cat
b) dog
c) rabbit
d) elephant

Top score at the festival: 7/15
Second highest: 6/15
Top score by a volunteer: 8/15


Thursday, June 23, 2011

Totally Thursday - Tournament Announcement

Consider attending the 2nd Annual CITL Festival, being held at North York Central Library this Saturday. I will be there all day helping with activities, so come pick up a happy face pin if you're around! As usual, I will only have free pins for the first five people who submit the coupon above to me at the event. Coupons will be available for the CYCC and Canadian Open soon!

For more information about the CITL Festival, check out Yuanling's blog:

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Wacky Wednesday - Personality Quiz

Happy summer! Now that spring cleaning season is over, it's time to figure out your chess organization habits :)

What is your typical organization habit on the chess board?

For each of these questions, select the answer that suits you best!

Question 1: In the middlegame, what are you most likely to do?
(a) Attack certain areas of the board with specific pieces, having little emphasis on other areas and pieces
(b) Coordinate between many pieces, making sure you structurally control as much of the board as possible
(c) Sometimes go for spontaneous attacks, and sometimes coordinate pieces quietly

Question 2: How often do you sacrifice a pawn?
(a) Rarely
(b) From time to time
(c) Very often

Question 3: In the first ten moves, do you tend to castle?
(a) Depends on the opening
(b) Sometimes, but it isn't the highest concern
(c) Always

Question 4: Of the following, what type of endgame would you most likely enter into?
(a) Tight pawn endgame
(b) Unclear endgame with a couple pieces (rooks or minors, same for both sides) and pawns
(c) Highly unbalanced endgame involving pawn races and asymmetric material (such as B vs. N, opposite colour bishops, R vs. minor, etc.)

Question 5: Where is the majority of your focus directed?
(a) Can be anywhere on the board, often multiple areas where you see the most play
(b) Usually an area on one of the wings where you have the strongest initiative; the other areas don't seem to matter as much
(c) The centre

Total up your points:

Q1 (a) 3 points (b) 1 point (c) 2 points
Q2 (a) 1 point (b) 2 points (c) 3 points
Q3 (a) 2 points (b) 3 points (c) 1 point
Q4 (a) 1 point (b) 2 points (c) 3 points
Q5 (a) 2 points (b) 3 points (c) 1 point


5 points - 8 points
You don't mind a mess -

Who needs organization when you only have to create an advantage in one area of the board? You go against traditional thinking and come up with your own terms - spontaneous attacks, material imbalances, ... - as long as you feel you can benefit, there's no need to worry if a large part of the board is a mess. However, don't let your rebellious side take away from basic structure. Make sure you are logically placing pieces and deciding on good moves that will emphasize your creative potential.

9 points - 11 points
You're dynamic -

You follow the best of both worlds - a bit spontaneous, and a bit coordinated. This gives you the most possibilities in your games. Only thing to watch - make sure you're not allowing the possibilities to overwhelm you, or try so hard to fulfill both sides of the coin (spontaneous, coordinated) that you miss out on important chances in one or the other. Get to know situations you'll likely encounter, such as different openings, and determine how you should effectively deal with them.

12 points - 15 points
You like to keep organized -

Coordinating pieces and following general structural rules are key elements in your decision making. Anything that looks a bit "off", such as a sacrifice, is avoided - in fact, you could probably write a whole book on how to keep your position stable. While many envy your elegant play, try to be open to different possibilities. Positional rules are often guidelines that can be followed in most cases, but not all. Take time to look for creative solutions!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Taking a Break

Hey Readers,

I won't be updating my blog from June 15 - June 21.

Thanks for visiting! Feel free to browse my past posts, or participate in the 'hair contest'.

Be back soon!


Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Twisted Tuesday - Chess Puzzles

Brad Schaefer, a past MIT student, held campus-wide puzzle competitions, including a few chess puzzle selections. What a cool idea!

Find his work here:

Monday, June 13, 2011

Camel Story - the story continues!

Please read my past camel posts before reading this one (click the "Camel Story" label on the side bar)!

"Suddenly, the same neck she visioned enrobed with jewels felt stiff. No, it certainly was NOT a necklace. It was a huge metal chain, and there was no way to escape! Without hesitation, Mansur began to pull her away."

"Shhh...don't you dare make a sound. Look, I know I'm not the nicest guy in the world, but I promise to keep you safe. Once we get through this, you'll thank me a million times over. Those lavish riches, those jewels, they will be yours. You will be the most decorated camel in all of Egypt. Trust me."

Gamala stared in disbelief. How could she possibly trust a man so cruel? A chain around the neck - how could he? Just the other day, she was a free camel. Hungry, but all the freedom in the world. How could she trust someone who took that away from her? Yet, what choice did she have?

Mansur rounded a corner into a bustling marketplace. What a scene! People from all over the city talking, laughing, crying with joy. Exquisite linens of the most precisely chosen threads dancing in the gentle wind. A mosaic of finely painted glass shimmering upon every grain of sand. And every type of fruit and vegetable you could ever imagine. It was simply amazing!

"We're looking for the stall of Zaima the potter," Mansur said to a young fellow roaming the square, "He has important news from my father."

"Go eight thousand cubits (about four kilometres) down this path and you will find the stall on your left."

"Ah, I see. Thank you for your service, kind man."

Mansur proceeded down the path, through the market and into a dark patch of land on the outskirts of town. He seemed relentless - Gamala figured this news must be very important. Her legs ached in exhaustion, but the thought of being dragged around was a lot worse than putting up with tired feet. Even so, she was terrified.

Finally, at what seemed to be the end of the path, a small stall appeared. This stall looked worn down, abandoned, and didn't seem to be selling anything in particular. Was this the right one? Slowly, they approached. Even Mansur started to sweat, and if you looked closely, you could see a frightened gulp sliding down the lining of his throat.

"Hello? I am here to discuss matters about my father. I have brought a camel as you asked."

Gamala winced. She didn't know what to think of Mansur's comment.

Suddenly, a short man appeared from the back of the stall. "Yes, I have been expecting you. I regret to say I'm the holder of bad news - your father passed away the other day. I knew him well, and he would have liked to see you, but he did leave something for your taking. Wait right here."

The man reached for a small bag, and then another one, and another one. "Bring these with you to the Ma'at tournament. Look inside, but don't let others peek. Your father worked his whole life collecting what these bags contain. Perhaps this camel can help. Take care with what your father has provided, and as I told you before your arrival here, it will surely make you very rich."

To Be Continued...

"Camel Story" posts will be made each month - follow along for updates about Gamala and Gamalo, and the Ma'at tournament. The anticipated ending to the story will be posted in December 2011.

Chess Comics

This is the "extra post for the weekend" I wrote about yesterday. When I think of weekends, one of the first things that comes to mind is the weekend newspaper full of comics! I love scanning through them from time to time. Now I've found a link which contains hilarious comics...about chess!

See for yourself:

Wednesday/Thursday last week

Wednesday - Yes/No Quiz (new)

Answer Yes or No to the following questions:

1. Do you find black and white movies more appealing than colour ones?
2. Do you ever think triangular, hexagonal, or octagonal shapes look odd?
3. When you see a picture of a horse, does it automatically remind you of a knight?
4. Do you get double vision when you see clocks?
5. Have you become an expert at examining facial expressions of people sitting directly across from you?
6. Does an empty table (or a single table rather than rows of them) make you feel confused?
7. Do you like to divide paper into halves or quarters?
8. Did you get thrown out of a restaurant/picnic for playing with the (checkered) tablecloth?
9. When someone takes out a checkers game, do the pieces look "amateur" to you?
10. Have you become accustomed to the way your hands look and move?

If three or more of these apply to you, you've probably been staring at a chess board/game too long!

Thursday - Contest!

Again, my hair theme...

Send an email containing a professional chess player's name - one that you think gets the best haircuts! Please, no attachments, since it will likely be considered spam. Just a name, and maybe a line or two about why you chose that player. Whoever comes up with the best suggestion gets a special "Checkmate!" stuffed teddy bear, similar to the ones I gave out at the 2010 OGCC.

Contest closes at 11:59 PM (EST) on June 30, 2011. Canadian residents only. Prize must be claimed at either the 2011 CYCC, 2011 Canadian Open, or a chess event in the Greater Toronto Area. No age restriction.

To ensure your email is considered, type "June Contest" in the subject line! Good luck!

Marvelous Monday - Joke!

Why don't chess kings like bad weather?

Answer: You wouldn't want pawn storms coming at you either!

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Tournaments & Results

Oriole Chess Club
- Junior Tournaments
- Every Sunday
- Oriole Community Centre, Toronto
- 12:45 - 1:00 pm registration, 1:15 pm start
- $12 per tournament, $80 for membership + ten tournaments
- Snacks and drinks provided
- Room Notice:

Chess for Children (Swansea Chess Club)
- Every Saturday
- Swansea Town Hall Community Centre
- 12:45 - 1:00 pm registration, 1:00 - 4:00 pm tournament
- $15 per tournament, family discount available

Knights of Chess Sunday Rated Tournaments
- Every Sunday
- 5635 Yonge Street, Suites 201 - 202, Toronto
- 3:30 - 3:55 pm registration (pre-registration by phone or email recommended), 4:00 - 6:00 or 7:00 pm tournament
- $18 per tournament, family discounts available

* The three regular tournaments listed above can also be found on the CMA calendar

Chess in the Library (20 locations and counting!)
- free games and lessons!
- 2nd Annual Festival on June 25, 2011 (North York Central Library)

2011 KWCC Teams Active Challenge
- June 18
- Kitchener City Hall
- 10 am registration, 10:30 am start
- $40 per team of four
- Equipment provided

St-Jean-Baptist Chess Tournament
- June 24 - 26
- Laval University, Quebec City
- $4000 guaranteed prizes
- See link for further details

London June Open
- June 25
- Hillside Church, London
- 9:30 - 9:55 am registration, 10:00 am start
- $20
- Bring your own equipment

Chess Camp at Sea with GM Emil Anka
- June 28 - July 5
- Victoria, BC

Montreal Summer Chess Camps
- Check out other summer chess camps in Toronto and Ottawa,,

North American Youth Championship
- June 25 - 29

Eastern Ontario Open
- June 30 - July 3
- RA Centre, Ottawa
- See link for times and fees (discounts available)
- Accommodations available
- CFC and FIDE rated
- Bring your own equipment

CYCC (Richmond Hill, Ontario)
- July 6 - 9
- Update:

Canadian Open (Toronto, Ontario) + chess camp
- July 9 - 17
- FIDE Arbiter Course:
- Registrations:
- Accommodation Needed:
- General Questions:
- GM Dejan Bojkov free lecture:

- July 22 - 24
- UPEI, Charlottetown
- More Info:

Quebec Open 2011 + chess camp
- July 23 - 30
- Norm opportunity
- Camp:
- Registrations:

6th Edmonton International
- July 27 - August 1

2011 BC Open
- July 30 - August 1
- Executive Airport Plaza Hotel, Richmond, BC
- See link for schedule
- $60 by June 24, $65 by July 26, $70 on site, additional $20 to play up a section
- Accommodation deal available until June 1
- $1000 guaranteed prize fund
- All equipment provided

Toronto Summer Camp with CMA and Wanda's Creative Clay (build a chess set & learn to play)
- August 15 - 19
- $495 per child (includes tax and materials)
- 10% discount before July 15
- 24 kids max.
- More details:

Montreal City Championship
- September 9 - 11

Braeside Men's Chess Clinic
- September 24
- Braeside Camp, between Cambridge and Paris, Ontario
- 10:00 - 10:30 am registration, 10:45 am start
- $35
- Light lunch and BBQ dinner included
- Hans Jung teaching clinic, simul at noon
- For all levels of experience

Alliston Chess Open
- October 14 - 16
- Gibson Centre, Alliston
- 6 pm Friday, 11 am & 4 pm Saturday/Sunday
- $60, add $10 on-site or to play up a section, discounts available
- Bring your own equipment
- Pizza lunch provided on Saturday
- Unrated youth tournament on the side ($30)

Richmond Friday Chess

Tournaments in Victoria, BC

Various CMA Events for Juniors (many locations across Canada!!!)

CMA Fee Increase

CFC Fee Increase

CMA Chess Lessons
- Private Instructors:
- Adult Chess Program:

More Tournaments Outside Ontario

FQE (Quebec) Calendar
- Facebook/Twitter:
- Guides to New Website:

Maritime Chess Schedule
- Summer Tourneys:
- 2011 NB Open in Fredericton (June 24 - 26):

FIDE (International) Calendar
- more international:

Tournaments in the U.S.
- Manhattan Open:,
- USCF Site:

Monroi chess events

Scarborough Chess Club
- (site may not be working at the moment)

Simcoe County Chess Club

Eastern Ontario Chess Association

Kitchener-Waterloo Chess Club

Annex Chess Club

Ajax Chess Club

Saguenay Chess Club

Mississauga Chess Club for Kids

Edmonton Chess Club (Mondays, Thursdays) and Calgary Chess Club (Tuesdays)

More Clubs

*If you wish to have your tournament/club listed, feel free to send me an email!*

Some Results:
April 23 - June 12

Continental Championship, April 19 - 24

Philadelphia Open, April 20 - 24
Sasa Kulic 5.0/9.0 (tied 27th of 105)
Myriam Roy 4.5/9.0 (tied 44th)
Michael Song 3.0/9.0 (tied 79th)
Rejean Tremblay 3.0/9.0 (tied 79th)

2011 Alberta Closed, April 22 - 24
1st: IM Eric Hansen 5.0/5.0
2nd: IM Edward Porper 4.0/5.0
3rd: Nicolas Haynes 2.5/5.0

KW Spring Active, April 23
1st: Andrew Peredun

Canadian Junior, April 21 - 25
1st: Roman Sapozhnikov 7.5/9.0
2nd: Arthur Calugar 7.0/9.0
3rd & 4th: Joey Qin, Michael Kleinman 6.0/9.0
Top Girl: Jackie Peng 4.5/9.0

Grand Pacific Open, April 22 - 25
1st: WGM Nino Maisuradze 6.0/6.0
2nd: Loren Brigham Laceste 5.5/6.0
3rd to 10th: NM Alex Yam, Harry Moore, FM Jack Yoos, Roger Patterson, GM Igor Rausis, John M. Williams, NM Tanraj Sohal, Ross Richardson 4.5/6.0
1st: Leo Stokes 6.0/6.0
2nd: Ben Seran 5.0/6.0
3rd & 4th: Luke Pulfer, Howie Hare 4.0/6.0
Photos and more:,

2011 OGCC, May 7

Canadian Closed, May 7 - 11

Ontario High School Chess Championships, May 14 - 15
1st: Karoly Szalay 5.0/5.0

Calgary International, May 19 - 23
1st & 2nd: IM Enrico Sevillano, GM Jesse Kraai 6.5/9.0
3rd to 5th: IM Eric Hansen, FM Dale Haessel, IM Edward Porper 6.0/9.0
1st & 2nd: Nandor Tot, NM Alex Yam 5.0/6.0
3rd: Jim Daniluk 4.5/6.0

36th Annual Keres Memorial, May 20 - 23
1st & 2nd: IM Georgi Orlov, Maxim Doroshenko 5.5/7.0
3rd to 5th: FM Bindi Cheng, Butch Villavieja, Joe Soliven 5.0/7.0
1st & 2nd: Hiva Menbari, Igor Kurganskyy 6.0/7.0
3rd: Robert North 5.0/7.0
1st: Gopal Singh Hayer 5.5/7.0
2nd: Constantin Rotariu 5.0/7.0
3rd: Marcel Holtmann 4.5/7.0

Ontario Open, May 21 - 23
1st & 2nd: GM Bator Sambuev, IM Leonid Gerzhoy 5.0/6.0
3rd: IM Nikolay Noritsyn 4.5/6.0
1st: Ian Finlay 5.5/6.0
2nd & 3rd: Daniel Wiebe, Stuart Brammall 4.5/6.0
1st: Zhanna Sametova 5.0/6.0
2nd & 3rd: Owen Qian, Henry Grayson 4.5/6.0
Unrated: Ryan Gonsalves

Canadian Chess Challenge, May 2011
Cool Stats:,
Side Events:

OYCC, May 28 - 29

IM Arthur Calugar

Sherbrooke Open

Chicago Open
IM Leonid Gerzhoy 6.5/9.0 (tied 5th)

GM Mark Bluvshtein in "Chill" Magazine

2010/2011 Grand Prix Winners


CanBase (game database) updates -

Eye Movement Research looking for participants -

Canadian Denton Cockburn in Jamaica -

IA Vlad Rekhson, FA Michael Von Keitz -

RIP Ed Glinert (father of Stephen Glinert) -

CFC Presidential Candidates Serge Archambault & Pierre Denommee -

Illness + Happy Birthday Mom!

Hey Everyone,

Sorry for the delay - I've been unwell the past few days & couldn't use the computer (looking at the screen was giving me headaches so I took a small 'computer holiday'). I'm still feeling a bit exhausted, but I'll catch up on all the missed posts tonight and tomorrow.

- Wacky Wednesday post
- Totally Thursday post
- Tournament update
- Camel story continuation
- An extra post for the weekend

And of course a Marvelous Monday post tomorrow!

Btw, happy birthday Mom!!! Mwah xoxo


P.S. Come to the CITL 2nd Annual Festival on June 25!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Busy Today

Hey Readers,

I will be away from my computer for most of today. The 'Wacky Wednesday' post will come up either tomorrow or tonight if I get back in time.

For now, here's a link to a funny chess video:


Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Twisted Tuesday - Puzzle Link, F.M. Answers

Answers to "Facial Matters" - how many did you guess?

Vassily Ivanchuk Michael Adams Alexandra Kosteniuk
Magnus Carlsen
Levon Aronian

Monday, June 6, 2011

Marvelous Monday - Joke!

What is one difference between how a computer (computer vs. human) chess game is played and how an over-the-board (OTB) chess game is played?

Answer: In computer chess, opponents constantly 'glare' at each other!

This is just the joke version - there are actually a lot of differences.

Some opinions about OTB vs. Online chess -


Thursday, June 2, 2011

Totally Thursday - Tournament Announcement

Please consider attending the last CMA tournament of the season this Sunday (at Marshall McLuhan C.S.S., 1107 Avenue Rd.). Lots of prizes, gifts, and more! I will visit in the afternoon - the coupon above can be used to obtain happy face pins. You do not need to be a direct participant in the event to claim a pin.


Full tournament update coming within the next week!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Wacky Wednesday - Facial Matters (new)

Keeping up with my 'haircut' theme, here's a cool new puzzle. Can you identify a grandmaster from his/her hairstyle and general facial structure? Try below - this first batch is not too difficult, but we'll try some more in the future! Answers will be posted within the next week.