Sunday, October 31, 2010
Happy Halloween!
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Canada gets GOLD!!!
Friday, October 29, 2010
Camels are back!
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Halloween Prep in Eight Easy Steps!
Halloween chess game
(you have to be patient, it takes a minute or two to load)
Such an adorable set, but 100% fearless! How many times do you get to play Halloween chess against the Sicilian?
The Halloween Gambit...scary...
1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Nc3 Nf6 4. Nxe5 wowwwww,_Halloween_Gambit
"Austrian Jakob Steffen, played the gambit with his crafty clone "Brause" in thousands of chess games on the ICC-server between 1993 and 1998. He achieved a performance of over 70 %."
Impressive! Now who wants the purple hand (I still have my doubts of its edibility)?
Wooden halloween pieces. Amazing! After seeing these, I don't think I'll ever carve wood again.
A pawn dressed up as a knight - priceless!
How about Chess 'n Math's Halloween Tournament (tomorrow)? - sounds like fun! celebrate, I even designed a witching/wizarding hat for Kiril!
p.s. I like caramels and chocolates :)
Also see my costume idea posts:
World Youth!
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Would You Rather? - my answers
1. Would you rather play without your e-pawn or without your d-pawn?
Probably e-pawn...seems more natural for me...but doesn't make a huge difference.
2. Would you rather travel to the Olympiad (in Russia) for a meal with the Canadian team or to Victoria, B.C. for a meal in the Grand Pacific hotel + a visit to Chess in the Library?
I would have to say Victoria, because it's so beautiful, and the air is so crisp - at least from what I remember many years back. Organizers in B.C. also seem to have a lot of great chess programs starting up in the area. Of course, I'm biased because I've been to the Olympiad in the past. For those who haven't, the Olympiad is one of a kind - all sorts of cultures and grandmasters around every corner (including some of Canada's own)!
3. Would you rather play a tournament in an uncomfortably warm room or an uncomfortably cold room?
I thought I'd post this question because people keep bringing up the topic of hot/cold temperature. To clarify, I'm much more sensitive to heat! So an uncomfortably cold room would be my choice. That's what happens when you live in Canada all your life.
4. Would you rather be responsible for tournament equipment (including set-up) or tournament pairings?
Definitely equipment - no one's going to complain if you mix up the king and queen, but you'll have a mob if you screw up the pairings.
5. Would you rather -- at this moment -- completely change your white opening or completely change your black opening?
Well...if I could remember my openings...I would change least I'd have a tempo on my side in case of a (minor) mistake.
6. Would you rather play a chess game underwater or in space?
In SPACE! That would be amazing - pieces floating everywhere (to distract my opponent from my new white opening!?). I'm not a big fan of water.
7. Would you rather combine chess with boxing or soccer?
I think I'd lose either way. At least in soccer I'd have a chance of coming out without a black eye.
8. Would you rather ask the neighbour in the house/apartment to your left for a game of chess, or ask the one in the house/apartment to your right? If you don't have a neighbour to both your left and right, choose either someone who lives on the same street as you, or one who lives on a nearby street!
Until recently, I would have been impartial. However, this past weekend, my neighbour to the right put on really loud music and woke me up during my nap (and I wouldn't consider myself sensitive to many sounds). Maybe a game of chess would solve the problem???
9. Would you rather rock climb with GM Nakamura or skydive with GM Carlsen?
Why do I torture myself with these questions? Either way, I'd have an extreme fear of heights. How about indoor rock climbing?
10. Would you rather have a stranger yell out "Hey! Aren't you a chess player?" from the other side of a Costco store or from across the hall in your workplace/school?
Costco :) In university, yelling across the hall...good or just asking for trouble.
Second set of questions:
1. Would you rather attend an expensive chess event with a fancy dinner banquet or attend a similar, yet less expensive event with sub sandwiches?
University student on a budget!
2. Would you rather attend a neighbourhood chess event which requires you to bike at least a couple times (yes, there are 'green' options!) or an out-of-town chess event which gives you an excuse to use the family car?
Out of sympathy for the environment, I would go for the neighbourhood option...that is, if my bike still functions properly. On campus, almost everything is in walking distance - so I brought my feet and left the bike at home.
3. Would you rather have a chess-themed holiday in January or July?
That depends - does it involve a day off school? Just kidding. I think a winter-themed chess day (with ice sculptures!) would be awesome.
4. Would you rather dress up (for Halloween) as Count Chessula or Spongebob Chesspants?
I don't think I could pull off Spongebob. I'll leave that to my students.
5. Would you rather have checkered black and white hair or checkered black and white teeth?
Hair...checkered teeth sounds too awful.
6. Would you rather live somewhere in Europe for a year, primarily to play chess, or live somewhere in Asia for a year, for the same reason?
Europe! Maybe in England. I've always wanted to go there. Major cities in France, Spain, Italy, Germany, ... are also quite lovely.
7. Would you rather record all your chess games in red or purple ink?
A lot of my lecture notes are already in purple! I find it stands out better than traditional black/blue. Of course, assignments are a different red, no purple, all typed.
8. Would you rather play chess with your left eye covered or your right eye covered?
I'd cover my lazy right eye.
9. Would you rather play blitz without one of your minor pieces (your opponent gets to use all pieces = material advantage) or play blitz upside down?
I don't even play much blitz right-side-up! Poor minor piece...
10. Would you rather play Hula Chess with Jennifer Shahade or Fischer Random Chess with Peter Leko?
I really want to say hula chess, but I wouldn't be able to hula if my life depended on it.
Saturday, October 9, 2010
Happy Thanksgiving Weekend!
Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
Annual Top Ten List of Thank Yous:
1. Thank you to my loving family for providing me with so many opportunities.
2. Thank you to my friends for unconditional support.
3. Thank you to my relatives, especially my Aunt Elaine, who would have celebrated her birthday this upcoming October 21.
4. Thank you to my caring doctors for making me smile when I was down.
5. Thank you to my past and present chess students, their parents, and fellow instructors/volunteers.
6. Thank you to the kindest chess coaches in the world - Goran and Dave.
7. Thank you to chess organizers, especially Corinna, for inspiring Canadians of all ages.
10. Thank you to my blog readers (how could I forget?)!!!
As you celebrate this wonderful holiday, remember to cherish those around you, and the opportunities you have been given :)
Olympiad Results (more later)
Go Team Canada! - 'til next time in Istanbul, Turkey!
Congrats to our new GM, Thomas!!!
Note: For match points below, multiply by 2 to get the amount shown on the tournament website
Round 1
Canada (4) - Mozambique (0)
Canada (3.5) - Uganda (0.5)
Men: 1 match pt, 4 game pts
Women: 1 match pt, 3.5 game pts
Round 2
Uzbekistan (2.5) - Canada (1.5)
Canada (1.5) - Kazakhstan (2.5)
Men: 1 match pt, 5.5 game pts
Women: 1 match pt, 5 game pts
Round 3
Uruguay (2) - Canada (2)
Albania (0) - Canada (4)
Men: 1.5 match pts, 7.5 game pts
Women: 2 match pts, 9 game pts
Round 4
Canada (3.5) - Thailand (0.5)
Latvia (3.5) - Canada (0.5)
Men: 2.5 match pts, 11 game pts
Women: 2 match pts, 9.5 game pts
Round 5
Canada (2.5) - Denmark (1.5)
Canada (4) - Syria (0)
Men: 3.5 match pts, 13.5 game pts
Women: 3 match pts, 13.5 game pts
Round 6
Croatia (2) - Canada (2)
Belarus (3.5) - Canada (0.5)
Men: 4 match pts, 15.5 game pts
Women: 3 match pts, 14 game pts
Round 7
Canada (2) - Bulgaria (2)
Canada (2) - Singapore (2)
Men: 4.5 match pts, 17.5 game pts
Women: 3.5 match pts, 16 game pts
Round 8
Mongolia (1.5) - Canada (2.5)
Norway (1.5) - Canada (2.5)
Men: 5.5 match pts, 20 game pts
Women: 4.5 match pts, 18.5 game pts
Round 9
Czech Republic (3) - Canada (1)
Canada (2) - Montenegro (2)
Men: 5.5 match pts, 21 game pts
Women: 5 match pts, 20.5 game pts
Round 10
Canada (2) - Kazakhstan (2)
England (2.5) - Canada (1.5)
Men: 6 match pts, 23 game pts
Women: 5 match pts, 22 game pts
Round 11
Canada (2) - Montenegro (2)
Venezuela (3) - Canada (1)
Men: 6.5 match pts, 25 game pts
Women: 5 match pts, 23 game pts
Olympic inspiration quote:
"I am building a fire, and everyday I train, I add more fuel. At just the right moment, I light the match." - Mia Hamm, 2004
Monday, October 4, 2010
Hazel's Jokes!
Answer: When T.A.s are grading midterms!
*cross fingers*
(for all of you who thought to yourself "A perpetual check is good when you're losing or need a draw", I think you forgot to read the title of this post!)
Saturday, October 2, 2010
Would you rather?
In the meanwhile, I'll post some new questions:
1. Would you rather attend an expensive chess event with a fancy dinner banquet or attend a similar, yet less expensive event with sub sandwiches?
2. Would you rather attend a neighbourhood chess event which requires you to bike at least a couple times (yes, there are 'green' options!) or an out-of-town chess event which gives you an excuse to use the family car?
3. Would you rather have a chess-themed holiday in January or July?
4. Would you rather dress up (for Halloween) as Count Chessula or Spongebob Chesspants?
5. Would you rather have checkered black and white hair or checkered black and white teeth?
6. Would you rather live somewhere in Europe for a year, primarily to play chess, or live somewhere in Asia for a year, for the same reason?
7. Would you rather record all your chess games in red or purple ink?
8. Would you rather play chess with your left eye covered or your right eye covered?
9. Would you rather play blitz without one of your minor pieces (your opponent gets to use all pieces = material advantage) or play blitz upside down?
10. Would you rather play Hula Chess with Jennifer Shahade or Fischer Random Chess with Peter Leko?
Jokes from my statistics class (credit to Dr. Shi, wording modified a bit):
"I have a car with a bumper sticker, 'Baby on Board'. It is actually a threat. It should tell other drivers I have a screaming baby, a nagging wife, and I'm not afraid to die anymore!"
Answer the following in 30 seconds max:
A murderer is condemned to death. He is given a choice of four rooms. Which one would you choose?
(a) A room full of raging fires.
(b) A room full of assassins, who are equipped with guns.
(c) A room full of lions that haven't eaten in 2 months.
(d) A room full of statisticians, who will make you do exercises and bore you to death.
Next, answer the following for the choice you made:
Why did you choose (a)?
Why did you choose (b)?
Why did you choose (c)?
Why did you choose (d)?
The best choice:
(c) If the lions haven't eaten in 2 months, they are already dead!