Anyone else exhausted from the holidays? Guess they finally caught up with me. Hope everyone has been enjoying good company and good food!
Now to make up for countdown posts...
Countdown #25 - Joke IV
Value: 5 points if guessed correctly, 2 points for any creative guess
Why does Santa give chess sets without the queens and rooks?
Countdown #26 - River-crossing
Value: 2 points
Based on content from:
Two 'male' pawns, two 'female' pawns, one king, one queen, a rook, and a knight need to cross a river using a single boat. The boat can support maximum two pieces at a time, and one piece (in the boat) must be a major piece, or the king, in order to cross.
In addition,
- the 'female' pawns don't like having the king around if the queen is not present
- the 'male' pawns don't like having the queen around if the king is not present
- the knight cannot be left with any pawns, queen, or king, unless the rook is present
How can all of them cross under these circumstances?
Countdown #27 - Camel Story
Value: 1 point for each correct answer to the following questions
Question 1 -What are the names of the camels and how were these names chosen?
Question 2 - What did the camels say the chess king looked like?
Question 3 - How did chess lose its status as a 'royal game'?
Question 4 - What is the name of the tournament Oscar will play in?
Countdown #28 - Brain Teaser
Value: 2 points
In a single move, Johnny moved his king two squares, but did not castle. How is this possible?
Countdown #29 - Top Ten II
Value: 1 point per correct blank filled in.
Top 10 ways to signal you want to resign a chess game:
(note: not all methods are necessarily recommended!)
1. Say "I resign".
2. ______ hands.
3. Tip down your ______.
4. Stop the ______.
5. Write "you win" on your scorepad and show it to your opponent.
6. Stare at your opponent angrily, then ______ out of the room.
7. Sweep all the ______ off the board. (
8. Offer to ______ again.
9. Spell it out using toothpicks?
10. Disconnect your ______.
Countdown #30 - How well do you know your blog writer?
Value: 1 point for each correct answer to the following questions
Question 1 - What are my favourite colours?
(a) Red and green...Christmas spirit!
(b) Yellow and that's sunny!
(c) Blue and purple...they're so 'cool'!
(d) Any colour, as long as it's in the rainbow!
Question 2 - What do I like to drink when I need an energy boost?
(a) An energy drink, duh!
(b) Vanilla cappuccino
(c) Coke Zero
(d) Plain water
Question 3 - What is my favourite thing to do over the holidays?
(a) Shop
(b) Sleep
(c) Visit friends
(d) Wrap gifts
Question 4 - I was once asked what food I could live off of for the rest of my life. What was my answer?
(a) Ice cream
(b) Apples
(c) Whole wheat pitas and tzatziki
(d) I can't choose!
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Friday, December 24, 2010
Countdown #24
Countdown #24 - Knight Path (modified)
Value: 2 points if you fill half the board, 5 points if you fill the whole board.
A knight moves in an L-shape, at times making it difficult to see where it is planning to go. With a knight starting on h1, can you create a path of knight moves that touches every square (see modified rule) on a standard 8 x 8 board once and only once, and ends on the square a8?
Modified rule: The knight is shy and wants to avoid the centre. Touch every square except e4, d4, e5, and d5.
Good luck!
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Countdown #17 - 23
Countdown #17 - 23 - Would You Rather? x7 (one for each day)
Value: 1 point per question answered
1. Would you rather play in a chess tournament on Christmas Eve or New Year's Eve?
2. Would you rather receive a wool sweater with a huge graphic of a chess king that says "Check me!" or an antenna hat with giant light-up pawns?
3. Would you rather make a (chess-related) holiday logo for Apple or Microsoft?
4. Would you rather have a completely black and white holiday tree or a standard tree with all black and white ornaments?
5. Would you rather eat burnt holiday brownies or burnt holiday pie?
6. Would you rather go shopping on December 24 (Christmas Eve) or December 26 (Boxing Day)?
7. Would you rather spend Christmas day (substitute with another holiday if you don't celebrate Christmas) at home or with relatives/friends?
Value: 1 point per question answered
1. Would you rather play in a chess tournament on Christmas Eve or New Year's Eve?
2. Would you rather receive a wool sweater with a huge graphic of a chess king that says "Check me!" or an antenna hat with giant light-up pawns?
3. Would you rather make a (chess-related) holiday logo for Apple or Microsoft?
4. Would you rather have a completely black and white holiday tree or a standard tree with all black and white ornaments?
5. Would you rather eat burnt holiday brownies or burnt holiday pie?
6. Would you rather go shopping on December 24 (Christmas Eve) or December 26 (Boxing Day)?
7. Would you rather spend Christmas day (substitute with another holiday if you don't celebrate Christmas) at home or with relatives/friends?
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Last-Minute Gift Guide
Finally, the gift guide! This is a short list of products I have found to be/look interesting. However, these are only some of many ideas...I encourage you to look around for more (or for similar items)! If I come across anything else, I'll add another list later on. Got to go holiday shopping now :S
Now you can really "eat" the pieces! Special order.
Can't go wrong with these!
Still thinking about the game? Now you can sleep on it! $24.50.,378857414
I love the detail! $61.60 and up.
Can I have a pet chessfish? Poster $5.00.
Never lose them again! $11.00
Perfect for kids. $19.99.
Who says players can't speak their minds during the game? Turn towards the interrupting person, and point at your t-shirt. So simple! $30.00 and up for the value version, $46.25 and up for the regular version.
Now you can really master those imbalances! $32.95
Too cute! $195 for the complete set.
Such a great series! $29.95, or special pricing with other editions.,378857414
I'm Back!
Final countdown questions? - Yes, more coming December 23 and extended until December 31 due to the unexpected delay.
Answers? - The answers for previous countdowns and their point breakdown are posted below:
Countdown #1 - Mystery Image
- Up to 5 points available
Image 1:
(1 point)
Image 2: was on on the day countdown #1 was posted (as a promotion for Heather's Picks)
(1 point)
Image 3:
(1 point)
Image 4: (side bar)
(1 point)
Image 5:
(1 point)
Countdown #2 - Cryptograms
- Up to 6 points available
Cryptogram #1:
“It is the aim of the modern school, not to treat every position according to one general law, but according to the principle inherent in the position." (1 point)
- Richard Reti (1 point)
Cryptogram #2:
“What is the object of playing a gambit opening? To acquire a reputation of being a dashing player at the cost of losing a game.” (1 point)
- Siegbert Tarrasch (1 point)
Cryptogram #3:
"A good sacrifice is one that is not necessarily sound but leaves your opponent dazed and confused." (1 point)
- Rudolph Spielmann (1 point)
Countdown #3 - Pawn Groups
- 2 points available
The key is to group the pawns together, yet spread the groups apart. One possibility is to place the pawns on a5, a6, b5, b6, c1, c2, d1, d2, e7, e8, f7, f8, g3, g4, h3, and h4. (2 points)
Countdown #4 - Piece Scales
- 2 points available
1 P + 2 R = 3 N
2 N = 1 N + 4 R
2 P + 1 N = ? R
Since 2 N = 1 N + 4 R,
1 N = 4 R
Since 1 P + 2 R = 3 N and 1 N = 4 R,
1 P + 2 R = 12 R
1 P = 10 R
So 2 P + 1 N = 2 (10 R) + 1 (4 R) = 24 R
Therefore, twenty-four rooks are needed to balance the third scale. (2 points)
Countdown #5 - (No answer required)
- No points available
Countdown #6 - Mystery Image II
- Up to 5 points available
Image 1:
August 26, 2009; top ten things chess players are good at (or think they're good at!)
(1 point)
Image 2:
September 1, 2009; joke about where chess players go to eat
(1 point)
Image 3:
September 22, 2009; mate in 21
(1 point)
Image 4:
November 30, 2009; pictures involving chess and snow/ice
(1 point)
Image 5:
March 7, 2010; Ontario Team Tournament results
(1 point)
Countdown #7 - Your Turn at Top Ten
- Up to 9 points available
1. Ten movies that mention the word "chess" (2 points, answers may vary)
This site contains a long list:
2. Ten songs that mention the word "chess" (2 points, answers may vary)
Check out this forum for ideas:
Learn more about music and chess history:
3. Ten pieces of literature that mention the word "chess" (2 points, answers may vary)
A great list:
(1 additional point for completing all top ten lists above)
Bonus: Ten interesting things (street names, facts, etc.) associated with the word "chess" (2 points, answers may vary)
Many possible answers, such as a street called "Chess Drive" according to
Countdown #8 - Would You Rather? x5
- Up to 5 points available
1. Would you rather play chess with Santa over candy canes and a steamy cup of hot chocolate, or play chess with Frosty over a tasty plateful of cookies and a cup of milk/chocolate milk (that you obviously took from Santa!)?
Playing chess against a snowman seems more like a 'once in a blue moon' opportunity. Plus, I'm not a huge fan of eating candy canes. (1 point for any appropriate answer)
2. Would you rather go ice skating or snowboarding after a weekend chess tournament?
Ice skating! Snowboarding is too intense after a hard set of games. (1 point for any appropriate answer)
3. Would you rather participate in a tiebreaker involving a snowball fight or a snowman-building competition?
Depends on my opponent. Against a more aggressive/less patient opponent, I would choose snowman-building. Against a passive/more patient opponent, perhaps a snowball fight! (1 point for any appropriate answer)
4. Would you rather take chess advice from an elf or a reindeer?
Neither...they're all working for Santa... (1 point for any appropriate answer)
5. Would you rather drive two hours through a blizzard to get to a chess event or walk in the cold for fourty-five minutes?
Usually I like to walk, but seeing that I can't really play a chess game as an icicle, the drive would have to do. (1 point for any appropriate answer)
Countdown #9 - Joke!
- Up to 5 points available
Why did Frosty the Snowman use icicles at the beginning of his chess game?
Answer: He wanted to play a 'sharp' opening! (5 points for correct guess, 2 points for any creative guess)
Countdown #10 - Joke II
- Up to 5 points available
Why is Santa Claus a bad chess player?
Answer: He gives away a lot of games! (5 points for correct guess, 2 points for any creative guess)
Countdown #11 - 13 - Words in Words
- Points will vary based on # words
Here are some of the words I found:
at, am, me, he, eh, em
mat, eat, tea, ate, hem, cat, hat, eke, cam, ace, tee, ham
mate, mack, tack, each, tame, hate, meet, meek, mace, meat, heat, hack, team, ache, came, etch, make
check, cheek, cheat, cache, teach, catch, match
at, pa, la, up
ape, are, ale, put, rep, let, lap, eat, tea, ate, pet, perm, rut, tee, eel, rap, par, pep, ear, ule, pal, ere, tap
tape, lute, pulp, peer, late, pale, peel, leap, teal, tale, tarp, part, prep, reap, pear, lure, true, rape, rule, trap, purl, tree, pupa
taper, paler, later, alert, alter, pearl, upper
pulper, repeat, retape
So many possibilities! I'm not going to list them all here :D
What did you find???
Countdown #14 - Joke III
- Up to 5 points available
Why doesn't Rudolph like to play speed chess?
Answer: He always loses to Blitzen! (5 points for correct guess, 2 points for any creative guess)
Countdown #15 - 16 - Top Ten
- Up to 7 points available
1. Wrap is too small (1 point), and you must squeeze it tightly together to fit.
2. Wrap tears/breaks (1 point) while wrapping, so you have to rewrap or tape up the hole.
3. The gift itself has an odd shape (1 point), such as pointy or rounded ends.
4. Running out of tape/wrap.
5. Finding out someone used all the ribbon (1 point) for an art project. Now how will you be able to decorate the gift?
6. Realizing you wrapped the wrong gift (or gave it to the wrong person).
7. The wrap indents or creases and is hard to tape as a result.
8. Getting stuck wrapping too many gifts late (1 point) at night.
9. Throwing (1 point) away the mounds of waste wrap/tape.
10. For some people, gift wrapping (1 point) altogether!
Last minute gift guide? - post later today :D
Answers? - The answers for previous countdowns and their point breakdown are posted below:
Countdown #1 - Mystery Image
- Up to 5 points available
Image 1:
(1 point)
Image 2: was on on the day countdown #1 was posted (as a promotion for Heather's Picks)
(1 point)
Image 3:
(1 point)
Image 4: (side bar)
(1 point)
Image 5:
(1 point)
Countdown #2 - Cryptograms
- Up to 6 points available
Cryptogram #1:
“It is the aim of the modern school, not to treat every position according to one general law, but according to the principle inherent in the position." (1 point)
- Richard Reti (1 point)
Cryptogram #2:
“What is the object of playing a gambit opening? To acquire a reputation of being a dashing player at the cost of losing a game.” (1 point)
- Siegbert Tarrasch (1 point)
Cryptogram #3:
"A good sacrifice is one that is not necessarily sound but leaves your opponent dazed and confused." (1 point)
- Rudolph Spielmann (1 point)
Countdown #3 - Pawn Groups
- 2 points available
The key is to group the pawns together, yet spread the groups apart. One possibility is to place the pawns on a5, a6, b5, b6, c1, c2, d1, d2, e7, e8, f7, f8, g3, g4, h3, and h4. (2 points)
Countdown #4 - Piece Scales
- 2 points available
1 P + 2 R = 3 N
2 N = 1 N + 4 R
2 P + 1 N = ? R
Since 2 N = 1 N + 4 R,
1 N = 4 R
Since 1 P + 2 R = 3 N and 1 N = 4 R,
1 P + 2 R = 12 R
1 P = 10 R
So 2 P + 1 N = 2 (10 R) + 1 (4 R) = 24 R
Therefore, twenty-four rooks are needed to balance the third scale. (2 points)
Countdown #5 - (No answer required)
- No points available
Countdown #6 - Mystery Image II
- Up to 5 points available
Image 1:
August 26, 2009; top ten things chess players are good at (or think they're good at!)
(1 point)
Image 2:
September 1, 2009; joke about where chess players go to eat
(1 point)
Image 3:
September 22, 2009; mate in 21
(1 point)
Image 4:
November 30, 2009; pictures involving chess and snow/ice
(1 point)
Image 5:
March 7, 2010; Ontario Team Tournament results
(1 point)
Countdown #7 - Your Turn at Top Ten
- Up to 9 points available
1. Ten movies that mention the word "chess" (2 points, answers may vary)
This site contains a long list:
2. Ten songs that mention the word "chess" (2 points, answers may vary)
Check out this forum for ideas:
Learn more about music and chess history:
3. Ten pieces of literature that mention the word "chess" (2 points, answers may vary)
A great list:
(1 additional point for completing all top ten lists above)
Bonus: Ten interesting things (street names, facts, etc.) associated with the word "chess" (2 points, answers may vary)
Many possible answers, such as a street called "Chess Drive" according to
Countdown #8 - Would You Rather? x5
- Up to 5 points available
1. Would you rather play chess with Santa over candy canes and a steamy cup of hot chocolate, or play chess with Frosty over a tasty plateful of cookies and a cup of milk/chocolate milk (that you obviously took from Santa!)?
Playing chess against a snowman seems more like a 'once in a blue moon' opportunity. Plus, I'm not a huge fan of eating candy canes. (1 point for any appropriate answer)
2. Would you rather go ice skating or snowboarding after a weekend chess tournament?
Ice skating! Snowboarding is too intense after a hard set of games. (1 point for any appropriate answer)
3. Would you rather participate in a tiebreaker involving a snowball fight or a snowman-building competition?
Depends on my opponent. Against a more aggressive/less patient opponent, I would choose snowman-building. Against a passive/more patient opponent, perhaps a snowball fight! (1 point for any appropriate answer)
4. Would you rather take chess advice from an elf or a reindeer?
Neither...they're all working for Santa... (1 point for any appropriate answer)
5. Would you rather drive two hours through a blizzard to get to a chess event or walk in the cold for fourty-five minutes?
Usually I like to walk, but seeing that I can't really play a chess game as an icicle, the drive would have to do. (1 point for any appropriate answer)
Countdown #9 - Joke!
- Up to 5 points available
Why did Frosty the Snowman use icicles at the beginning of his chess game?
Answer: He wanted to play a 'sharp' opening! (5 points for correct guess, 2 points for any creative guess)
Countdown #10 - Joke II
- Up to 5 points available
Why is Santa Claus a bad chess player?
Answer: He gives away a lot of games! (5 points for correct guess, 2 points for any creative guess)
Countdown #11 - 13 - Words in Words
- Points will vary based on # words
Here are some of the words I found:
at, am, me, he, eh, em
mat, eat, tea, ate, hem, cat, hat, eke, cam, ace, tee, ham
mate, mack, tack, each, tame, hate, meet, meek, mace, meat, heat, hack, team, ache, came, etch, make
check, cheek, cheat, cache, teach, catch, match
at, pa, la, up
ape, are, ale, put, rep, let, lap, eat, tea, ate, pet, perm, rut, tee, eel, rap, par, pep, ear, ule, pal, ere, tap
tape, lute, pulp, peer, late, pale, peel, leap, teal, tale, tarp, part, prep, reap, pear, lure, true, rape, rule, trap, purl, tree, pupa
taper, paler, later, alert, alter, pearl, upper
pulper, repeat, retape
So many possibilities! I'm not going to list them all here :D
What did you find???
Countdown #14 - Joke III
- Up to 5 points available
Why doesn't Rudolph like to play speed chess?
Answer: He always loses to Blitzen! (5 points for correct guess, 2 points for any creative guess)
Countdown #15 - 16 - Top Ten
- Up to 7 points available
1. Wrap is too small (1 point), and you must squeeze it tightly together to fit.
2. Wrap tears/breaks (1 point) while wrapping, so you have to rewrap or tape up the hole.
3. The gift itself has an odd shape (1 point), such as pointy or rounded ends.
4. Running out of tape/wrap.
5. Finding out someone used all the ribbon (1 point) for an art project. Now how will you be able to decorate the gift?
6. Realizing you wrapped the wrong gift (or gave it to the wrong person).
7. The wrap indents or creases and is hard to tape as a result.
8. Getting stuck wrapping too many gifts late (1 point) at night.
9. Throwing (1 point) away the mounds of waste wrap/tape.
10. For some people, gift wrapping (1 point) altogether!
Last minute gift guide? - post later today :D
Other Puzzles,
Top Ten,
Would You Rather?
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Countdown #15 - 16
Countdown #15 - 16 - Top Ten
Value: 1 point per correct blank filled in.
Just for fun, here are some holiday gift wrapping pet peeves. Try to fill in the blanks. Can you think of any other wrapping peeves (1 bonus point)?
1. Wrap is too ______, and you must squeeze it tightly together to fit.
2. Wrap ______ while wrapping, so you have to rewrap or tape up the hole.
3. The gift itself has an odd ______, such as pointy or rounded ends.
4. Running out of tape/wrap.
5. Finding out someone used all the ______ for an art project. Now how will you be able to decorate the gift?
6. Realizing you wrapped the wrong gift (or gave it to the wrong person).
7. The wrap indents or creases and is hard to tape as a result.
8. Getting stuck wrapping too many gifts ______ at night.
9. ______ away the mounds of waste wrap/tape.
10. For some people, _______________ altogether!
I will be posting answers to countdown questions (for those following along at home) + a very last minute gift guide sometime next week. I'm sorry I haven't been able to post every day -- and will not be able to for a few more -- because my roommates and I have to conserve our monthly Internet usage. As a result, I have decided to find some way to give a small gift to all my readers (any ideas?) instead of one prize to a contest winner. Hope everyone is having a great season :)
Value: 1 point per correct blank filled in.
Just for fun, here are some holiday gift wrapping pet peeves. Try to fill in the blanks. Can you think of any other wrapping peeves (1 bonus point)?
1. Wrap is too ______, and you must squeeze it tightly together to fit.
2. Wrap ______ while wrapping, so you have to rewrap or tape up the hole.
3. The gift itself has an odd ______, such as pointy or rounded ends.
4. Running out of tape/wrap.
5. Finding out someone used all the ______ for an art project. Now how will you be able to decorate the gift?
6. Realizing you wrapped the wrong gift (or gave it to the wrong person).
7. The wrap indents or creases and is hard to tape as a result.
8. Getting stuck wrapping too many gifts ______ at night.
9. ______ away the mounds of waste wrap/tape.
10. For some people, _______________ altogether!
I will be posting answers to countdown questions (for those following along at home) + a very last minute gift guide sometime next week. I'm sorry I haven't been able to post every day -- and will not be able to for a few more -- because my roommates and I have to conserve our monthly Internet usage. As a result, I have decided to find some way to give a small gift to all my readers (any ideas?) instead of one prize to a contest winner. Hope everyone is having a great season :)
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Countdown #14
Value: 5 points if guessed correctly, 2 points for any creative guess
Why doesn't Rudolph like to play speed chess?
(image above and fun English activities can be found at
Monday, December 13, 2010
Countdown #11 - 13
Countdown #11 - 13 - Words in Words
Value: 1 point per 10 words
How many words (of any length) can you find in the following chess terms?
Value: 1 point per 10 words
How many words (of any length) can you find in the following chess terms?
Friday, December 10, 2010
Countdown #10
Value: 5 points if guessed correctly, 2 points for any creative guess
Why is Santa Claus a bad chess player?
(image above and more xmas activities can be found at
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Countdown #9
Countdown #9 - Joke!
Value: 5 points if guessed correctly, 2 points for any creative guess
Why did Frosty the Snowman use icicles at the beginning of his chess game?
(HINT - the answer has more to do with icicles than Frosty)
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Countdown #8
A reminder to read the contest rules ( before attempting to send your answers :)
Countdown #8 - Would You Rather? x5
Value: 1 point per question answered
This one's pretty simple - all your have to do is send your answers to these "would you rather" questions. Your answer does not have to match my answer, does not need a lengthy explanation, and as long as it answers the question appropriately ("appropriately" means not just random answers that make no sense), it will score the point(s)!
1. Would you rather play chess with Santa over candy canes and a steamy cup of hot chocolate, or play chess with Frosty over a tasty plateful of cookies and a cup of milk/chocolate milk (that you obviously took from Santa!)?
2. Would you rather go ice skating or snowboarding after a weekend chess tournament?
3. Would you rather participate in a tiebreaker involving a snowball fight or a snowman-building competition?
4. Would you rather take chess advice from an elf or a reindeer?
5. Would you rather drive two hours through a blizzard to get to a chess event or walk in the cold for fourty-five minutes?
Countdown #8 - Would You Rather? x5
Value: 1 point per question answered
This one's pretty simple - all your have to do is send your answers to these "would you rather" questions. Your answer does not have to match my answer, does not need a lengthy explanation, and as long as it answers the question appropriately ("appropriately" means not just random answers that make no sense), it will score the point(s)!
1. Would you rather play chess with Santa over candy canes and a steamy cup of hot chocolate, or play chess with Frosty over a tasty plateful of cookies and a cup of milk/chocolate milk (that you obviously took from Santa!)?
2. Would you rather go ice skating or snowboarding after a weekend chess tournament?
3. Would you rather participate in a tiebreaker involving a snowball fight or a snowman-building competition?
4. Would you rather take chess advice from an elf or a reindeer?
5. Would you rather drive two hours through a blizzard to get to a chess event or walk in the cold for fourty-five minutes?
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Countdown #7
A reminder to read the contest rules ( before attempting to send your answers :)
Countdown #7 - Your Turn at Top Ten
Value: 2 points for each list with ten items (1 point for each list with at least five correct items), bonus 1 point for completing all three lists fully
Had something important to do this morning, but since this post is quite late, I have doubled its point value (2 points per list instead of 1 point per list)!
Send lists for the following:
1. Ten movies that mention the word "chess"
Countdown #7 - Your Turn at Top Ten
Value: 2 points for each list with ten items (1 point for each list with at least five correct items), bonus 1 point for completing all three lists fully
Had something important to do this morning, but since this post is quite late, I have doubled its point value (2 points per list instead of 1 point per list)!
Send lists for the following:
1. Ten movies that mention the word "chess"
2. Ten songs that mention the word "chess"
3. Ten pieces of literature that mention the word "chess"
Another bonus (2 points):
- Ten interesting things (street names, facts, etc.) associated with the word "chess"
3. Ten pieces of literature that mention the word "chess"
Another bonus (2 points):
- Ten interesting things (street names, facts, etc.) associated with the word "chess"
Monday, December 6, 2010
Countdown #6
A reminder to read the contest rules ( before attempting to send your answers :)
Countdown #6 - Mystery Image II
Value: 1 point for each correctly identified image
The images below can be found throughout this blog. Find the post containing the image (not including this post), and send a list of dates (of the posts) and a brief description of the content the image was associated with.

Image 1

Image 2

Image 3

Image 4

Image 5
Countdown #6 - Mystery Image II
Value: 1 point for each correctly identified image
The images below can be found throughout this blog. Find the post containing the image (not including this post), and send a list of dates (of the posts) and a brief description of the content the image was associated with.
Image 1
Image 2
Image 3
Image 4
Image 5
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Countdown #5
It seems some people were too busy to have a look at the first few contest puzzles, so instead of adding a new one today, I decided to give everyone an extended opportunity to complete countdown puzzles # 1 - 4. Send in your answers before 11:59 pm EST on Friday December 10, 2010 to receive a bonus 2 points for countdown #5 (you will receive these points as long as you attempt the puzzles, even if some of your answers are incorrect).
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Countdown #4
A reminder to read the contest rules ( before attempting to send your answers :)
Countdown #4 - Piece Scales
Value: 2 points
In a non-standard chess game, there are three types of pieces - pawns, knights and rooks. They have non-standard values which cause them to be in balance in the first two situations (scales). How many rooks are needed to replace the question mark to balance the third scale?

Countdown #4 - Piece Scales
Value: 2 points
In a non-standard chess game, there are three types of pieces - pawns, knights and rooks. They have non-standard values which cause them to be in balance in the first two situations (scales). How many rooks are needed to replace the question mark to balance the third scale?
Friday, December 3, 2010
Countdown #3
A reminder to read the contest rules ( before attempting to send your answers :)
Here's a short one:
Countdown #3 - Pawn Groups
Value: 2 points
On a standard 8 x 8 chess board, how can you arrange all 16 pawns so that each rank, file, and diagonal contains a maximum of 2 pawns?
Here's a short one:
Countdown #3 - Pawn Groups
Value: 2 points
On a standard 8 x 8 chess board, how can you arrange all 16 pawns so that each rank, file, and diagonal contains a maximum of 2 pawns?
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Countdown #2
A reminder to read the contest rules ( before attempting to send your answers :)
Countdown #2 - Cryptograms
Value: 2 points for each correctly identified quote (details below)
The phrases below have been encoded, with each number representing a unique letter. Each cryptogram contains a different code, so if A = 1 in one cryptogram, A may not equal 1 in another.
Your job is to decode the quote (1 point each), and find out who said it (1 point each - hint: you can just put the quote into a search engine like Google once it is decoded). Don't forget to send in your answers -your answers can simply be the quote and speaker - you don't have to send a chart of letters/numbers.
Note: click the cryptogram for a slightly better view!
Countdown #2 - Cryptograms
Value: 2 points for each correctly identified quote (details below)
The phrases below have been encoded, with each number representing a unique letter. Each cryptogram contains a different code, so if A = 1 in one cryptogram, A may not equal 1 in another.
Your job is to decode the quote (1 point each), and find out who said it (1 point each - hint: you can just put the quote into a search engine like Google once it is decoded). Don't forget to send in your answers -your answers can simply be the quote and speaker - you don't have to send a chart of letters/numbers.
Note: click the cryptogram for a slightly better view!
(Sorry the cryptogram below has a title that won't seem to stay centred like the other two - I may have to fix that later :D)
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Countdown #1
Happy December! Here is an interesting scavenger hunt to start off the contest. Remember to read the contest rules ( before attempting to send your answers, and don't forget to have fun!
Countdown #1 - Mystery Image
Value: 1 point for each correctly identified image
The images below were found on various chess-related sites, all of which can be found in the quick links on the side bar. You are to find the image's original location, record the exact web address, and then send me your list of answers (web addresses).

Image 1


Countdown #1 - Mystery Image
Value: 1 point for each correctly identified image
The images below were found on various chess-related sites, all of which can be found in the quick links on the side bar. You are to find the image's original location, record the exact web address, and then send me your list of answers (web addresses).
Image 1
Image 2
Image 3
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